It’s Officially Spring! Time for your Dental Spring Cleaning?

The warmer weather and blooming flowers of Spring may send some of you into a spring cleaning frenzy around your homes. But before you grab your duster and rubber gloves, don’t forget your dental health could use some sprucing up as well.

Here are 3 tips to “spring clean” your dental routine so your smile is healthy, vibrant, and ready for the new season! Continue reading “It’s Officially Spring! Time for your Dental Spring Cleaning?”

The Origins of the Tooth Fairy!

For hundreds of years people have shared mystical legends and traditions about the loss of baby teeth. The early Europeans buried children’s teeth to spare the child from hardships in their afterlife. The Vikings believed that children’s teeth had magical powers that could help them fight in battle. They would pay their children for their lost baby teeth and string them onto necklaces and other jewelry. However, the most widely practiced ritual, one that has been documented everywhere from Russia to New Zealand to Mexico, involves offering the lost tooth as a sacrifice to a mouse or rat, in the hopes that the child’s adult teeth will continuously grow like a rodents does; and grow as strong and sturdy as the rodent’s. Continue reading “The Origins of the Tooth Fairy!”

American Heart Month

February is American Heart Month. What an ideal time to focus on your heart, and we don’t mean Valentine’s Day! The biggest part of living healthy comes down to simply making healthy choices. While you cannot control or change certain risk factors such as age and genetics, modest changes to your diet and lifestyle can improve your overall health including lowering your risk for heart disease. Part of that lifestyle change includes regular dental visits!

Did you know….It’s increasingly common to hear that oral health is vital for overall health?

Continue reading “American Heart Month”

Happy New Year!!

Most people come up with resolutions, a habit to start or give up, time management or weight loss goals. Our suggestion? Make oral health your resolution, because your mouth is more powerful than you may know!

Recent research has proven that the health of your mouth is directly related to your overall health.

What conditions may be linked to poor oral health?

Continue reading “Happy New Year!!”